近代日本のクリスチャン経営者たち Modern Era Japan’s Christian Business Pioneers


近代化の始まった明治時代に、キリスト教伝道も再開された。クリスチャンの中には、起業家も多く生まれ、信仰に根差した経済活動を行い、得られた収益を社会のために還元する例も見られた。本書では、20 人以上のクリスチャン経営者の足跡をコンパクトにまとめて紹介。未知の分野を果敢に切り開いた姿は、閉塞してしまった現代に生きる人々に、新たなスタートへの示唆を与えてくれるはずだ。

山口陽一著 いのちのことば社

In the Meiji Era which began the modernization of Japan, Christian evangelism was also revived. Among those who became Christians were many who worked out their faith in roles in society, including entrepreneurs and managers of businesses that were created. This book briefly describes 20 such people who made great contributions to Japanese society. It is an old story but it is still relevant to us today. As we look at these people we should think how we can make a new start in our time.


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