キッズ&ファミリー ミニストリーハンドブック Children and Family Ministry Handbook


各年代の子どもに適切な聖書の教え方とは? 性教育はいつ誰が? 親の信仰育成はどうする? 子ども・家族の分野で教会活動を指導してきた著者が、現代のデータと実践に基づき具体的方策を多数紹介。あらゆる世代の多様な人々が共に成長する教会を目指す。

サラ・フラナリー著 いのちのことば社

Got a volunteer crisis? Need help choosing curriculum? Wondering how to balance ministry, health, and life? This useful handbook offers advice and how-to’s on all this and more from seasoned ministry leaders, as well as relatable church life anecdotes. Chapters include: Chapter 1: Family & Intergenerational Ministry, Chapter 2: Parents & Guardians, Chapter 3: Children’s Ministry, Chapter 4: Preteen Ministry, Chapter 5: Youth Ministry Chapter 6: Intergenerational Worship & Serving, Chapter 7: Spiritual Milestones, Chapter 8: Disability Ministry, Chapter 9: Curriculum & Ministry Design, Chapter 10: Volunteers, Chapter 11: Marriage & Divorce Ministry, Chapter 12: Crisis & Counseling, Chapter 13: Navigating Human Resources & Organizational Charts in Ministry.

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